- Here at Denver International Airport is half of a mural by Leo Tanguma called “Children of the World Dream of Peace”
- Here’s the other half. Like this one, he has another one (that I unfortunately didn’t see) called “In Peace and Harmony With Nature” that shows two sides of a story – absolute destruction of the world at the hands of man in one half and a general theme of peace, unity and respect in the other. Oddly enough, according to a website called hyperallergic.com, “Conspiratorial ‘experts’ like Jay Weidner assert that the airport’s murals and capstone prove the existence of a secret government plan for a ‘New World Order.'” If that weren’t weird enough, “Others implicate the airport in the murder of JonBenét Ramsey” and “One local Evangelical Christian group, Cephas Ministries, claimed that the Denver International Airport was built as part of a plot to murder the ‘people that Lucifer hates.'”
- The first bachelor party bro I spotted on this Hiner Boys weekend back in February 2015
- After everyone had united in this big pink Hummer limo at the airport, the first place we stopped en route to Breckenridge had been a liquor store here in Denver
- This is just what happens when you introduce alcohol to an all-dudes party in the back of a long pink limo
- I think we stopped at this Wal-Mart so someone could run in and buy an AUX cord
- Party in the Wal-Mart parking lot! Whoooooo!
- Denver dudes
- Gay boyz
- Ski time
- Hubby2be
- Snowy
- Bunny hill
- Ambience
- U kno it
- FuFu artwork
- Lift
- The stripper
- Hot tub stogz
- More tubbers
- Suggit Red Rocks!
- Colorado had been the first state to legalize the sale of marijuana for recreational use to adults when it’d done so in January of 2014. According to usnews.com, “Between 2014 and May 31 of 2017, cumulative cannabis sales had generated $506 million in tax revenue…About 51% of the accumulated tax revenue has gone to K-12 education, with $117.9 million of it used to fund school construction projects.”