Phnom Penh
- Cambodians encouraging public nudity at the border with Vietnam
- Some orange-robed monks kickin’ it at the base of the giant grass clock leading up to Wat Phnom
- Statue at the head of the clock in the picture previous
- The front entrance to Wat Phnom. From the ledge to the left, two women had been throwing handfuls of birds that they kept in a cage. Unfortunately not all of them survived being cupped in her hands and fell dead onto approaching almsgivers below
- Flippin’ more birds than Stone Cold back in his prime – bird-chuckin’ broads doin’ their thang, pickin’ handfuls of their feathered friends from a cage and tossin’ ’em in the air outside Wat Phnom.
- A quick candid shot I snagged while passing through Wat Phnom and giving praises to Siddartha Guatama
- I admit it, I was SORELY underdressed for a trip to a Buddhist temple. I never went to one dressed like a jagoff after this first fuck up. Here I am dedicating purchased incense to the Buddha for forgiveness.
- MMMmmmmmm! After Sex Pizza!
- “Dongkum”
- Memorial Stupa at the Killing Fields of Cheoung Ek. The interior had been filled with the bones of victims that were murdered by the Pol Pot regime
- Collection of Skulls inside the Memorial Stupa at The Killing Fields. According to Wikipedia, an approximate 17,000 of the estimated 2 million Cambodians put to death by the Khmer Rouge had been executed at Cheoung Ek.
- Weapons employed by the Khmer Rouge to kill an average of 300 people a day at Cheoung Ek
- Sign explaining that even though they had electricity running through the camp to make killing convenient and easy during the night…
- …sometimes more people were delivered to the camp than they could manage to off during a single session and they were stored in a place known as “the dark and gloomy detention” which was kept so dark the prisoners couldn’t even see each other.
- Like Kathy Bates in the movie Misery, the Khmer Rouge were some sick twisted fucks.
- Sign indicating “MASS GRAVE OF 450 VICTIMS”
- Some of the many mass graves that cover the ground at Cheoung Ek. The adjacent trees had been used by soldiers to smash the skulls of young children, supposedly by picking them up and swinging them by their ankles.
- In the center of Cambodia’s national flag is an image of Angkor Wat
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- Although I didn’t know what I was looking at half the time in Phnom Penh, I enjoyed it immensely nonetheless
- Cambodian Royal Palace
- I ain’t gonna get all Frasier Crane on your ass and pretend I know shit about art, but there’d been nightmarish creations like this all around the streets Phnom Penh
- Some tuk-tuk traffic near Sisowath Quay
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- Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Monument
- Friendship Monument up close with an image of the Vietnamese and Cambodian flags on it
- One of Gumby’s ancestors goin’ for a ride
- Some funky-ass, Hershey-kiss-shaped Cambodian architecture
- If you look closely, you can see two Cambodian women napping at the base of the dragon in the shade provided by its wingspan
- A scorching morning stroll along Phnom Penh’s Sisowath Quay riverwalk
- View from Sisowath Quay. Here is the junction of the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers
- Early p.m. pops with the travel buddies. It’s always the right time to grab a BeerLao…or twenty.
- View of a sidestreet from the restaurant
- Mr. Chan The Man giving us what I’m going to start a rumor as “The Cambodian Middle Finger.” Chan taught us to cheers in Khmer – “Chul Muy” which translates roughly to “One Glass Bang” is the thing to say when you’re clinkin’ drinks with your Phnom Penh brethren
Siem Reap/Angkor
- T. Osh gazing up in wonderment at one of the many great ruins of the Angkor complex. It amazes me how they let any Tom, Dick and Harry or hairy-dicked Tom’s climb all over these priceless constructions
- Same building from farther back. Pre Rup, I believe it was called
- View from the top of that bad boy in the picture previous
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- Temple of Ta Prohm. One of the temples that time apparently hadn’t been as kind to, but awesome nonetheless
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- Laying in ruin
- This building is down for the count
- Temple of Ta Keo
- Intricately carved
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- Some bas relief depicting an ancient battle scene
- My brand of drinking water at Angkor Wat – the Anal was just too dirty and the Vaginal wasn’t tastin’ right.
- But the “Cute” wasn’t too bad either.
- Long stone bridge leading to a temple
- Me givin’ some nasty head to a Sleepy Hollow victim. Don’t fear the (Siem) Reaper
- Ta Prohm. Takin’ root in rock and chokin’ bitches like Wayne Brady, the “strangling trees” of Angkor ain’t nothin’ to fuck with.
- Wish all tunnels looked this bo$$
- On that Legends of the Hidden Temple grind
- Stone-faced
- Big-ass Buddha with Sunny D swag
- At Angkor Archaeological Park there are hoards upon hoards of tiny little children selling trinkets and homemade wristbands. They are relentless.
- The King Daddy of them all – whoopty whoop Angkor Wat!? Too bad it had band-aids all over it…
- Moat around Angkor Wat
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- Courtyard
- View of the grounds from the top of Angkor Wat
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- Weird-ass spread-legged bas relief
The Floating Village of Chong Kneas
- Spot where we boarded our boat for a sunset picnic/drunkfest
- Shoreline as we made our way out to the floating village
- K.O. T.O. and our gold-toothed Cambodian co-pilot
- Gettin’ it in with Mr.Tino on our way to the floating village with our “heartbroken” captain in the background hiding his pain behind some cheap sunglasses
- Shades the Driver
- Gold-toothed Guy the Co-Captain
- As we first entered the floating village…
- The Floating Village of Chong Kneas – starving dog scrounging for scraps in between water-based residences
- Floating Catholic Church big enough to house two of every animal if the situation were to call for it
- Elevated stack of firewood kept high and dry for kindling?
- “Skyline” of Chong Kneas
- Chong Kneas peeps out on the town
- So insane seeing homes surrounded by nothing but water – probably complicates the shit out of a good old fashioned father-son game of catch
- A jean-creamingly beautiful sunset from the floating bar at Chong Kneas
- Gettin’ lower
- Floating bar on the outer-edges of Chong Kneas. Take note of the Tin Can Kid’s face at the bottom right in the water as he begs bar patrons for “Dolla! Dolla!”
- The Tin Can Kids of Chong Kneas paddling around, posing for pictures with their monster snakes and demanding dollars from everyone
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- As Mr. Tino put it, some “Vietnamese kids” in possession of snakes large enough to eat them
- Kid in possession of a snake large enough to strangle her entire body
- “Dolla! Gimme Dolla! Dolllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaa!”
- “Welcome to Kampuchea” – Mr. Tino, the best tuk-tuk driver in all of Southeast Asia
- A crushed can of Phnom Penh beer – The only picture that I have from the drunken evening following the sunset picnic